“You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it requires people to make the dream a reality.” – Walt Disney.

2021 and now, 2022 have become known as the years of the insanely volatile real estate market. Would-be home buyers across the country have found themselves out-bid and priced out of a market with low inventory and high demand.

Construction Consultants have continually weighed in over the last four months predicting a variety of upcoming scenarios.

While no one has a crystal ball that can accurately foretell the fate of the real estate market in the United States, the consensus does seem to be that, at the very best, housing prices will no longer increase, but probably not decrease any time soon.

This situation does not bode well for the hundreds of thousands of families and couples who want to become homeowners and enjoy the benefits of home equity and “a place of their own.”

But another option is still popular among those whose vision extends beyond simply buying an existing house.

Yes, You Really Can Build Your Own Home

Consultant explaining plans to woman

Consultant explaining plans to woman

““Building is about getting around the obstacles that are presented to you.” – Jeremy Renner, actor and home renovator

To many couples, the prospect of building their own home may seem far-fetched and fraught with difficulties or even impossibilities. However, custom homes continue to make up around 20 percent of all housing construction in the United States. 

And a significant portion of that number are homes where the owners take on the primary role of builder/owner.

While it is true that an individual can build a home by themselves, the requirements and various skills needed to do everything are usually beyond most people. But the role of a builder/owner is one that involves a strategic mix of “hands-on” building and sub-contracting various aspects of professional tasks such as electrical and plumbing work. 

And even before that foundation is begun, there will often be design and architectural services required.

One question that comes to mind almost immediately for those first contemplating building their own home is whether it is a viable option today? Most home building and real estate experts agree that, yes, it is not only viable but can, on average, be less costly than buying an existing home. Plus, a custom home will be exactly that – designed and built exactly as you want it.

As one custom home builder recently noted in a blog post,

“2022 can still be a good time to build your custom forever home, despite rising costs and interest rates. Building your custom home is an investment in your family’s lifestyle and should be looked at as a long term financial & lifestyle decision of living in your forever home for 5 or more years.”

And the beauty of it all is that building your own home as you want it can be a reality with the right planning and resources. 

Building Your Dream Home Requires Real-World Resources

“Building your own house is a primal urge, one of those universal genetic drives like the need to provide for your family.” – Kevin McCloud, British designer

Many states do allow homeowners to act as a contractor for their own home. However, most experts agree that, if you decide to build your own home, it is generally best to do so with a licensed general contractor. In this scenario, you become what is usually referred to as an owner-builder.

There are several advantages to building your own home including the most apparent one of being able to customize the floorplan in a way that makes sense to you and your family. In addition, you will avoid all the stress of bidding on a home, and you will have a house that is “move-in” ready.

Other benefits include:

  • Having current smart home technology
  • Being energy efficient and green
  • Completely code-compliant and current
  • Ultimately more cost-effective than buying

The downside for many a potential owner/builder is a lack of knowledge, experience, and ability. While many aspects of the actual building process can be outsourced – and most often should be – there are still a myriad of questions and potential issues that can face the owners.

And in these scenarios, the general contractor may or may not have all the answers. So, what is an owner/builder to do then?

That is where the services of an experienced and reputable homeowner’s construction consultant can be a highly valuable asset. A professional construction consultant will be able to provide guidance and answers to questions across all phases of your home building project, as well as being able to address issues that inevitably arise during construction.

Home building is accomplished with a team and a wise owner/builder will want to have a reliable construction consultant as part of their “dream home” building team.

Your Expert Homeowner’s Consultant for Your Dream Project

If you are a homeowner looking to build your own home, especially for the first time, having the advice and guidance of a construction consultant is essential. Simply put, a trusted construction consultant can help in every aspect of your project.

And for those areas where you are not experienced, an expert construction consultant can guide you and answer your questions.

Being an owner/builder can be one of the most gratifying and fulfilling endeavors that one can pursue. However, there are often a myriad of laws and building codes that must be complied with. Having a consultant who is well-versed with all the crucial aspects of construction can help make your dream home a reality without becoming a nightmare.

For full scale home building projects to major renovations or remodeling, the services of a qualified construction consultant can come in handy if you don’t have much experience in construction.

If you need professional advice and guidance, we are here to help you in all the phases of your project. We will also attend to all your questions before, during, and after the project.

To learn more, email us at crystalconstruction@aol.com or give us a call at (707) 865-5157.